Over the last four years Christians in Algeria have faced the arbitrary closing of protestant churches by the Algerian Government. Sixteen churches have been closed and sealed off and others have been ordered to cease activities.

Christianity in Algeria

Christians make up a small minority in Algeria. Most of them are Muslim converts, which makes them vulnerable to persecution by their families and the wider community. Despite the increasing limits on religious freedom, however, Christianity continues to grow in Algeria.

Pastor Salah Chalah’s Story

Pastor Selah, the senior pastor of a large protestant church in Algeria, will face court on 5 December. He is charged with 'calling for the disobedience of laws by a clergyman,' 'practising non-Muslim rites without permission' and 'calling to organise an unarmed assembly' (a demonstration). Pastor Salah participated in a peaceful demonstration in October 2019 to protest the forcible sealing of his church. He also led protests in June 2021 after three more churches were sealed. If deemed guilty, the maximum penalty is a fine plus 5 years in prison.

  • Please pray for Algerian Christians as they face the closure of their churches and struggle to meet with one another

  • Pray for those who face persecution for their faith in Jesus and that many more Algerians would come to know Jesus.

  • Pray for Pastor Selah as he faces court. Give him peace at this time.

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